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وبعدين هاتخسر ايه لو سجلت الموضوع كله خمس دقائق

مع تحياتى اخوك
ابراهيم الشرقاوى

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى روضة المتقين

اسعدتنا بزيارتك ونورتنا باطلالتك فشرفنا بانضمامك لنا

بمنتدانا الاسلامى الاول منتدى روضة المتقين

يتوجب عليك التسجيل لكى تستمتع معنا وتحمل ما تشاء بالروابط داخل المنتدى حيث انها لاتفعل الا للاعضاء

وبعدين هاتخسر ايه لو سجلت الموضوع كله خمس دقائق

مع تحياتى اخوك
ابراهيم الشرقاوى

منتدى روضة المتقين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى روضة المتقين

ابراهيــــــــــــــــم الشــــــــــــرقــاوى

2 مشترك

    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages


    عدد الرسائل : 1006
    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/07/2007

    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages Empty The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages

    مُساهمة من طرف VICTORIOUS 19/8/2007, 4:18 pm

    i'm happy to present the fastest and the best version of Xp Gladiator with Sp3 which make her is the best

    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 549rjlw
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 63s29sl
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 54d8taq
    in this version there were some components were deleted to make it more fast
    First :the deleted
    *Removing some services which we don't use it or don't know any thing about
    *Removing Old definations which were in the version of old one and doesn't suitable our pcs now
    Second : additional
    *adding security updates of may 2007 was added
    *adding answer file to be fast while loading
    *adding latest windows media player 11 with windows gladiator
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 3399130a9cb929de0c768f900f8374587a4d42
    and there is many of new beautiful Themes
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 339919f245f816f9b56fd6dcacdd7d1ecdb2ec
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 3399231f70907a3a8e0c2d2abb18a3a63341b0
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 339929b4f0732c214677690c2649459fdc392e
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 3399317523fae69341c69c3ab4155b1f3eebd9
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 3399327b6a5e96dd0c22ffa62de4f0ec82b6d1
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 339935906102e2ed236b2fbd3e5f5f1c9d8f8d
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 33994207862c916cd22aafcf31940fbfc05cac
    there are many programs added like:
    Windows Media Player v11
    K-Lite Codec Pack Mega
    avast! Antivirus
    you will find the keygen in this path
    C:\Program Files\Alwil Software
    Internet Download Manager
    TuneUp Utilities 2007
    Yahoo Messenger_8
    Windows Live Messenger

    which can remove files which can't be deleted


    Partion Magic
    Norton Gost
    PDF Tools
    Microsoft Office
    2003 :
    Microsoft Office Tools
    Microsoft Office Access 2003
    Microsoft Office Excel 2003
    Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
    Microsoft Office Word 2003
    Now the NEw Look
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 33995194b84ae758bbb70ce7e26c5ec900f18d
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 339952fd4bc96c8ea8aca7365590435875be06
    Vista Glass
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 3399609be60e28ca040e34f5d6278a51e1e9c2
    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages 33996613e96223e974e6cd3daac5506fc8256f


    I'hope u all enjoy with this smart windows

    المدير العام
    المدير العام
    ابراهيم الشرقاوى
    ابراهيم  الشرقاوى

    عدد الرسائل : 1508
    العمر : 51
    تاريخ التسجيل : 14/07/2007

    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages Empty رد: The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages

    مُساهمة من طرف المدير العام 19/8/2007, 4:22 pm

    اية الجمال دة اخى حسين واللة تستاهل اكثر من لقب المشرف العام

    اخيك ابراهيم الشرقاوى


    عدد الرسائل : 1006
    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/07/2007

    The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages Empty رد: The Smart Windows Xp-Gladiator Sp3-With Vista advantages

    مُساهمة من طرف VICTORIOUS 19/8/2007, 4:25 pm

    العفو اخي ابراهيم

    ونحن في خدمة المنتدى

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 26/11/2024, 8:10 pm