منتدى روضة المتقين

اسعدتنا بزيارتك ونورتنا باطلالتك فشرفنا بانضمامك لنا

بمنتدانا الاسلامى الاول منتدى روضة المتقين

يتوجب عليك التسجيل لكى تستمتع معنا وتحمل ما تشاء بالروابط داخل المنتدى حيث انها لاتفعل الا للاعضاء

وبعدين هاتخسر ايه لو سجلت الموضوع كله خمس دقائق

مع تحياتى اخوك
ابراهيم الشرقاوى

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى روضة المتقين

اسعدتنا بزيارتك ونورتنا باطلالتك فشرفنا بانضمامك لنا

بمنتدانا الاسلامى الاول منتدى روضة المتقين

يتوجب عليك التسجيل لكى تستمتع معنا وتحمل ما تشاء بالروابط داخل المنتدى حيث انها لاتفعل الا للاعضاء

وبعدين هاتخسر ايه لو سجلت الموضوع كله خمس دقائق

مع تحياتى اخوك
ابراهيم الشرقاوى

منتدى روضة المتقين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى روضة المتقين

ابراهيــــــــــــــــم الشــــــــــــرقــاوى

    Google Earth 4.2(NEW)+Sky+Crack


    عدد الرسائل : 1006
    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/07/2007

    Google Earth 4.2(NEW)+Sky+Crack Empty Google Earth 4.2(NEW)+Sky+Crack

    مُساهمة من طرف VICTORIOUS 25/8/2007, 9:25 pm

    Google Earth 4.2(NEW)+Sky+Crack Google_sky
    Google Earth 4.2(NEW)+Sky+Crack 82c570c9-9cad-4cce-81b4-c4414263ecaf_Google_Sky_.sff-198x165
    Have you realised how its 2007 Google, NOT 2005 unlike some being posted as *New*.
    Google Earth PRO V4.2+ 100% Working Crack.
    *TESTED* that image is from my computer, displaying the sky feature though it'll look much better at a close up.
    With Google Earth, it’s easy to research locations and present your discoveries. In just a few clicks, you can import site plans, property lists or client sites and share the view with your client or colleague. You can even export high-quality images to documents or the web.
    Annotate and visualize
    Represent your location-based data using 3D drawing tools, or transfer up to 2,500 locations by address or geospatial coordinates from a spreadsheet. The GIS Data Importing Module lets you incorporate GIS data in file formats such as .shp and .tab. Examples include parcel, demographic, and 3D building data.
    Share and analyze
    Share your Google Earth views and data representations with your clients as a KML, Google Earth‘s original file format. With your upgraded Pro subscription, you get additional measurement tools (square feet, mile, acreage, radius and so on), so simply select the points on the screen using your mouse and let Google Earth calculate the rest.
    Create visually powerful presentations
    Export high-resolution images up to 11" x 17" (4800 pixels, sample print - 890k), and use them in documents, presentations, web or printed materials. You audience can come along for the ride as you create your own compressed movies (.wmv, sample movie - 13MB) of the zooms and virtual tours you take in Google Earth.
    Explore the Sky
    Switch your view to see the sky above your Earth location, and explore far-away galaxies, nebulae, and more. Zoom in to see imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope, learn about the lifecycle of a star, or even view the constellations. After all, the Earth doesn't sit in a vacuum... that would be an awful waste of space.
    If you Like it, please Reply with a thankyou! I need to keep the post on the front page for everyone else.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 27/11/2024, 12:09 am